Abbreviated Metamask Setup and Bridging

Abbreviated guide for Metamask settings on Fantom and bridging USDC from other chains to Fantom

Pro Tip: We have an FTM faucet for those first trades on the Fantom Opera chain at our discord.

Metamask Setup

Fill in the below info under Settings->Networks in Metamask:

Network Name: Fantom Opera


Chain ID: 250

Currency Symbol: FTM

Block Explorer URL:

Bridging USDC from BSC or Matic using Anyswap

Switch your Metamask wallet to Smart Chain (from BSC) or Matic (from Matic)

Go to and select Connect to a wallet in upper right corner

Select the From (BSC or Matic) at top, the To (FTM) at bottom. Select USDC as the token, and Approve USDC. Now click Swap to send funds from BSC or Matic to the FTM chain.

You can add USDC to your Assets using the USDC contract: 0x04068da6c83afcfa0e13ba15a6696662335d5b75

Last updated